School Advisory Council (SAC)

(SAC) is a committee that is made up of parents, teachers, staff and the school principal.

  • The parents are nominated and elections are held at the beginning of each year to determine the members.

  • This committee meets once every quarter to discuss issues such as school improvement, school goals, and the school budget.

  • The SAC is the school community voice in the planning process for school improvement.

  • The goal in the school improvement plan is that all students will learn and achieve in the areas of math, reading, and writing.

  • Student growth on standardized tests will determine the effect that the school improvement plan has had on the academic growth of our students.

  • The SAC membership must reflect the racial/economic makeup of the school's population.

  • The majority -- at least 51 percent -- of the SAC members must be nonschool employees.

  • Parents: We need your help! Please join our SAC committee and help our students succeed.